Friday, July 30, 2010

What's a good idea for a script about teenagers?

I have to write a script for a class about 3 teenagers, 2 are siblings. I can't think of a good conflict to have between themWhat's a good idea for a script about teenagers?
this may sound dumb, but at this time , look for answers in orphan homes, under age foster homes, jails, family history, self, experience. it could be right in your own mind, what about friends, have they experienced bad life's, rough life's? talk to a lot of kids or teenagers, and listen, they talk a lot in halls, and home rooms, bathrooms, take notes, ask questions, be a friend and listen, then see what you come up with. ask your father or mother, do they have any stories, about their friends, or themselves. mainly listen!!!!!!!What's a good idea for a script about teenagers?
you are going to be fine, have faith.

Report Abuse

Teenagers face so many obstacles while growing up its a wonder some of us survived.

Sex vs. abstinence

Drugs vs. Studies


Child abuse, homelessness, Gangs and violence... your possibilities are endless.

Now, when you start, first ask yourself, ';what if....';
The siblings are female twins. The 3rd teenager is a studly male. Since young studly men are solely interested in looks, neither one of the twins has an advantage (they look exactly the same!)

So they attempt to do whatever it takes to win over the male for their self. Competition ignites. Will one of the twins win over the studly boy or will both lose? Who knows.

Good luck

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