Saturday, August 21, 2010

Do you think kids and teenagers are getting ruder?

Do you think that this generation of kids is the most disrespetful yet? Why? What do you think is causing it?Do you think kids and teenagers are getting ruder?
yes, because theyre into video games, junk food, drugs and other stuffDo you think kids and teenagers are getting ruder?
Heck yeah. I've seen kids that treat their parents like THEIR THE PARENTS. Its rediculas. Parents need to step up a notch and start disiplinging their kids more.
YES!!! What's causing it? Easy! POOR PARENTING!!!!

Liberalism too....they teach you that it's only okay to murder a child through abortion, but that spanking is ABUSE?!?!?

I would have to argue that spanking a child is far less detrimental than ripping them out of the womb prior to birth.
Yes I do, all this with tv, hatred, hate groups yes they are getting meaner and more disrespectful every day. Hate, greed, selfishness, all that play a factor.
Absolutely! We could just blame it on the parents but its not just our fault its peer pressure act the way the see others act. I think with us parents it comes down to not being consistent in our punishments and not following through with our threats.

Another key factor is that since so many are divorced parenting skills can be very different, the parent that doesn't have the custody is more relaxed because they have so little time with their children that they don't want to spend that time arguing and getting after their kids.

Stepparents are another key factor I believe as well. Most of mine and my hubby's arguements usually center around treatment of each other's children. It is nearly impossible to disipline someone else's child as you woud your own and then that leads to one child getting away with more than the other one does because one of us is more relaxed in our punishments then the other one is.
I think people of all ages are rude these days. It seems that a lot of people have an ';all about me'; attitude. You can't blame the kids - they learn what they see and hear. Also, without a parent home with the children they learn from their friends instead of a good adult role model.
I do think kids and teenagers are getting way ruder.....i kno that i am one of the teenagers but i have old school parents and i was raised where its a yes ma'am and yes sir world....and i dont see no children appyling to that around me. I think this is because the parents are about our age and jus do no care anymore which is rediculous.
wow! yes! its the parents an the schools, too soft these days!
yes...but seriously are people going to blame the schools? My job is to educate-not teach the things parents should be responsible for at home. Do I reinforce what is right and wrong in my classroom? Absolutely. However, your morals, values and behaviors are learned from your primary role models...parents/families.
yes! and i think its because parents are scared to death to discipline their children anymore out of fear of being reported to children services for abusing them.
Yes they are. It's the parents. Parents are disciplining their children as much I think and they aren't teaching them manners.
Yes, I do. As to what is causing it, it might be the school system can't raise our children for us anymore the schools are too crowded so kids on the street make up their own rules. Theres so many latchkey kids anymore left at there own devices until Mom and Dad get home that they have to deal with problems they are not really equipped to handle. The one income family is a thing of the past, so Mom and Dad just don't have very much time for their children what with work, house and other demands. They are disrespectful and rude because they feel people are treating them that way when they are unfamiliar situations, so that must be the OK way to treat others.
YES YES AND YES!!!! Lack of disapline!
As a teacher I see the way students interact with their parents and other kids. It is amazing what some parents will allow.

I hate to blame the parents (I'm one myself) but the parents who don't tolerate that type of behavior usually don't have kids who overstep the boundaries. Our kids WANT us to teach them how to behave respectfully. It is our duty.
A great big YES! And I blame us parents because we give them too much without an equal amount of responsibility. Why do we feel we want them to have more than we did? I don't know!
Yes. And it's the parents I noticed alot of teen parents raise the worst disrepectful kids I've seen.
I don't think they are any ruder then the generations before. People tend to get more culturally astute when they get older, so many of the kids you see as rude now will blossom into good adults. Adults seem to usually hate the social changes that happen with younger generations. And kids hate the social restrictions they see in adults. Don't worry, when they have kids they will think the same thing as parents do now and their children will be no better or no worse than they were.
Well, yes I do, but then their parents were too, and theirs. It takes a great deal of effort to paddle upstream, when the kids read it in the press, see endless examples (BAD) from people how should know better, and probably DO, it THEY didn't think it cute to be rude, and vulgar. Look and the role- models they have. It takes a LOT of work for parents to counter that, and most of them are too busy to bother!
Yes, I do I think it鈥檚 the parents they spoil their kids to much my girls get smacked when they disrespect me or any one else. If parents would teach their kids manners and stop letting them watch TV, play video games, go online ect then I think kids would act much better then they do.

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