Tuesday, August 24, 2010


My son has finished his exams, he is 16 and has now left school. What do you think is the best time for him to be allowed out till? He says all his friends have to be in at 11pm on weekdays and 12ish on weekends. I dont know what to suggest as an appropriate time.At the moment he has to be in about 10-10.30pm. Any ideas to keep a happy stress free home?Teenagers!?
He is being pretty accurate at what his friends say, so I think you can trust him, because he did not exagerate them!

I'm a father and those were the time guidelines I allowed!

I'm 14 and my curfew is 11:30 on both weekdays and weekends! He might like that because he can be out later than his friends for 4or5 of the days even though 2or3 of the days he's in a little bit earlier! I also earn 3 points everytime i make curfew by atleast 10 minutes and when i earn 30 points i get my curfew extended a half hour on a day of my choice!
Just hanging around he needs to be in at 11 no matter what day it is.

Party or special events no later than the hour of midnight, except if there is a prior arrangement made. Does he carry a cell phone ? Probably check in at 11. This is not to make him feel like a baby, but for his safety these days. Again the times depend on where you live. You don't want him getting in with the wrong crowd. The wrong crowds are usually the ones out past 12.
I think 11 is late for school days. He shouldn't be allowed out every day of the week. Tell him he can be in by ten weekdays. His drivers liscense is probably limited to 1am. So make sure he is always in by then. I'd say 12:30 is a good curfew if he is well behaved. I would start out at midnight for weekends. Tell him if he is late even once, no excuses, it will be lowered 30 min each time. If he goes a month with out breaking it you will raise it to 12:30, and if he goes 6 months, 1am. Make sure you always know where he is and who he's with. 16yr old kids can get into a lot of trouble.
11-12 is good for me, unless there's a party I want to go to, then I like to go in at like 2am. I'm 14 by the way, so for him, maybe a little more.

Hope I helped.
Ask yourself how mature YOU think he is. If you let him stay out as late as his friends, can you trust him not to stay out later? I'd also want to verify that his friends are actually allowed to stay out that late -- by calling their parents and asking them directly. Teenagers tend to say ';but all my friends are allowed to do this, why can't I?';

My mother always checked with my friends' PARENTS instead of taking my word for it.
OK this is what to do, first you check the town curfew then from that you see if your kid is behaving well and if they are then you can let them stay out later about a half hour. but you tell him that if he does somthing wrong he will go back to the original time he had. you can keep adding on 30 minutes if he is good untill you get to the towns curfew. he can also come home late andcome in as much as he was late the next day.

i hope that help!
I would say if you can trust him bring it to 11:00 and see how that goes.I would still want him to check in at this time of night. then in crease it again in a couple of weeks as long as he is still taking care of his stuff. I woulndn't do something just because everyoe else is doing it. You have a lot of parents that dont have a clue where there kids are. Good luck
Well it depends on where you live but 10-10:30 sounds good to me.
I didn't exactly have a curfew but the time I was to be home depended on what I was doing. I may be old fashioned or overprotective here but I wouldn't just let my kid leave and not know where he/she is going. I think making a 16 year old go to bed at 10 or 10:30 when he's not in school is overkill. Even if he has to be home by 10 or 10:30 I'd let him stay up later.
I believe he needs to be in at 11 on weekdays and 12:00 or 1:00 on the weekends
Oh God 10!!! Him staying out until 11-12 is reasonable. I never had a curfew but my parents did insisit on me being home at the latest around 1 am. I respected it and was home by 12:30 unless something came up then I called them.

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