Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What are some restrictions for teenagers?

and Are too many or too few restrictions put on teenagers? What are some restrictions for teenagers?
Do people not realize restrictions pressure teens to be more rebellious?


Curfews are pointless, and many I've heard of are unfair.

1. Kids are not going to listen to your curfew.

2. Is it fair to have the same curfew for when you're out with your boyfriend, and when you're studying at your friend's house? I think not.

SUGGESTIONS on when to come home should be given on a case to case basis.


Parents, do not tell your kids to do their homework.

It is THEIR responsibility.

Same with ';bedtime.';

Let your kids go to bed whenever they wish.

If they don't get enough sleep, too bad for them!

Some people don't need as much sleep as others.

Electronic restrictions are also ridiculous.

What is wrong with leisure time on the computer or gaming system?

It's entertainment. Let them be entertained.

Remember, restrictions will vanish after kids start living on their own. Too much freedom will come to them too fast.

Letting them do their own thing early will help them later in life.

What are some restrictions for teenagers?
Usually teenagers like freedom. If you put too much restrictions on them they end up getting worse, but if you don't put restrictions on them some of them also get really wild. What my parents did is just let us do what we wanted, but also talked to us about the possible consequences for the actions that we are doing. I think that if you just talked to teenagers and just kinda give them a warning, they will have their own limitations on themselves. Everyone knows their limitatiosn, its just sometimes they forget about it.
- Can't enter into a contract until you're 18

- Can't vote until you're 18

- Can't register to vote until you're 18

- Can't stay up past curfew (laws vary based on jurisdiction).

- Can't drink alcohol (laws vary)

- Can't smoke until you're 18.

- Can't purchase lewd material until you're 18.

- Can't run for president until you're 35.

- Can't get a job until your 14 (or older -- laws vary).

- Can't get married (laws vary by state).

- Can't be tried as an adult (laws vary by state).

- Can't join the military until you're 18.

- Can't be drafted into war until you're 18.

- Can't run for public office until you're 18 (laws vary by office).

Those restrictions are pretty reasonable.
No TV after a certain time, there needs to be a curfew, homework needs to be done on Friday after school not on Sunday at night, there is a reasonable bedtime, chores.

That's just to name a few, lol.

I don't think kids have enough restrictions/rules these days.
make a curfew but not to early like around 11 or 11 30. teenagers purposely do more bad things when theyy have more restrictionsJust to make there parents mad so don't
when i was a teenagers it was it was too many .


i feel it is too few restriction .

A curfew like midnight or 1am depending on the teens age.

Helping around the house, doing their school work properly.
NO talking between certain hours!

giv em lots of points

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