Saturday, August 21, 2010

What place can i work in that has mostly teenagers and people around the same age as myself (19) ?

Im needing to get a job but cant think what to apply for, i want to be around people the same age as me and not oaps all day, any ideas ? (no smart **** answers)What place can i work in that has mostly teenagers and people around the same age as myself (19) ?
Most high street retailers i.e Top Shop, Burtons, Virgin, HMV, e.t.c you get the idea employ young people. You get good discounts from most of them to.

Failing this you could always work in McDonalds or Burger King.

It depends on what you want to acheive. Lots of the larger insurance companies and banks also have a lot of young people working for them.

A word of advise though choose a job for what the job is and what you want to do. Not for who works there.What place can i work in that has mostly teenagers and people around the same age as myself (19) ?
is that it then? the entire working population is either teenaged or oaps? what a narrow outlook - there is a huge range of people from whom you can learn and have the benefit of their experience... or confine yourself to working in burger king - your choice! good luck with it!
Retail? Or anything else relatively low paid and unskilled.

Although you might be wise to remember that people pay you to work not socialise and actually successfully mixing with people of different ages and backgrounds is a life skill that employment teaches you. You might also be surprised at how much fun older people can be.
An electronics company or do you prefer fast food.
What about a youth club or young local pub or of cause there's always Mcdonalds.
it depends where you work but any were you work i suggest the best place to work s a local store where you can find a lot of young teenagers like yourself..such as mc.donalds and mor eother places and a clothing store but theres much more then that...

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