Saturday, August 21, 2010


how can i b a well rounded teen? not perfect but manners, clothes, agreeing with parent.......Teenagers?
Try to be as modest as well as brave as possible. Be gentle in speaking, nice in ur manner. Try to obey ur parents. Keep them time to serve them. Enjoy ur life with only legal funs and finaly try to learn what can help u to be so nice a girl. Best of luck.Teenagers?
Well, heres how you do it:

Step one: you can't

Step two: you don't

Step three: just be a regular teen with flaws and downsides and everything will be great.

NEVER try to change yourself for people. Unless its for the better. If someone is trying to change you because its only for them, then dont because theyre being selfish or something.
Realize that your parents are not dumbasses who just fell out of the sky one day - they are older than you, most likely wiser than you, and have known you since before your birth - and have been through all the same things you are going through. Take their advice and don't have unnecessary fights with them. They are only looking out for your best interest, so don't always assume they are the enemy! You may not realize it now, but when you get older, you will understand that they were probably right about most of what they said to you, warned you about, etc... even though parents have flaws too and don't always say the right thing. This has something to do with clothing too, because you should respect them if they feel what you are wearing is inappropriate. A good rule of thumb is to dress as if your body is NOT the most important thing about you.
take advice from your mother, be agreeable and friendly, but at the same time dont loose yourself.

you have to be you, but being you doesnt mean badmouthing anyone, stick to your morals. treat others the way you want to be treated, and avoid he said she said situations by not talking bad about others, it will almost for sure get back around and you will be put on the spot and its never comfortable to be like that.

cloths, just respect yourself. dont have to dress like a nun, but at the very least keep some skin to the immagination. and realise that at this time you wont always agree with your parents, but you are from difforent generations. just respect their views, and understand that they are trying to do whats best for you.

also repect doesnt mean you agree, but it does mean youll listen to reason.
basketballgirl- shut ya mouth dont know nothing.

I a a well rounded teen and i would like to think so, so it can be done. All you have to do is be polite and well mannered but not perfect just be there for people and listen to people with eye contact when they are talking to you, respect your parents and do well in ya studies. That is all you can do, i know it is not easy to say but it can be done with a bit of preservation!. As for clothes wear what you are confortable in but at the same time be smart!.

If you want any more advice email me via my pro on yahoo answers!

All the best

and you can do it

I am afraid to say... that this is not possible and extremely funny.
It sounds like you are already on the right track. Just be yourself, and don't let the peer pressure get to you. Other kids WILL try and pressure you into doing things you don't feel right doing. The best thing I can say is learn to listen to your ';gut instincts'; that's the thing that kept me out of a lot of trouble. Take your education seriously, and read read read. If you get good enough grades you could get a college scholarship, which will save your parents a lot of money. Hopefully you have a good line of communication with your parents, and if you do they are your best resource for help if you feel pressured by your peers, or if you get picked on. They've already been there, so they will be able to give you the right perspective. If you can't talk to your parents, maybe you can to another adult you trust.

Don't let a guy talk you in to having sex, by using lines like ';I love you';, etc... All they want is to get in your pants and de-virginize you so they can brag to their friends. If HE really loves you, he will respect your wishes regarding sex.

Stay away from drugs. There will be kids that will try to get you to try drugs. Just say no thanks. Be strong and self confident, and don't let the kids that say mean things to you, get to you. they are most likely just trying to make you feel bad to make themselves feel better. Also, don't be afraid to be nice to the person that everybody else appears to be picking on. That person may need a good friend. And if your friends give you a hard time, just tell them to grow up and join the real world. People are people, no matter if they are rich, or poor. A lot of kids come from disfunctional homes, and they need a good friend who will have their best interests at heart. I had a friend like that, and I took a lot of teasing for it, but I didn't care. I was her 1 and only friend. She was being abused at home, and then by her peers. Kids a lot of time, don't understand what other kids are dealing with in their own homes, and make fun of them, which in essense, is kicking them when they are already down. It's just not fair. There is life after high school, and it does not depend on how popular you were or anything else. As long as you stay true to yourself, and follow your heart, you will do fine.

And remember, your parents always try to have your best interests in mind. I hope this is helpful to you.
Of course it's nice to have good manners. But everyone likes different kinds of cloths, so what you wear won't really affect how you are as a teen. And you're not ALWAYS gonna agree with your parents. You gonna have your own opinions. You may be under 18, but you have a mind of your own. I hope I helped. =]

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